
seek 和search



I am determined to find my soulmate in this club.

I am determined to find my true love in this club.

此外,seek 表示寻求者明确知道他们正在寻找的物品确实存在,而 search 则没有这样的暗示。

find 和 seek

find is used to encounter or discover something that is being sought, while seek is used to attempt to find, search for, or look for (seek is not used when talking about physical objects. It refers to the process of trying to obtain something).

***s I scanned the window for a flint, my eyes landed on a peculiar sight – a sealed envelope tucked away.

I have reached a point where the pursuit of fame and glory no longer holds any appeal for me. Similarly, I find myself compelled to rid myself of the wealth that has created a divide between myself and my fellow human beings.


In my quest for sustenance, I scoured the area until I stumbled upon a solitary piece of bread, which I eagerly devoured.




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